Discrete Mathematics (Spring 2025)
Course Material
(Lecture notes are uploaded in the “Google classroom” for the course. Drop me an email if you want to access them.)
- Discrete Mathematics and its Applications: with combinatorics and graph theory
- 7th edition by Kenneth H. Rosen (Indian adaptation by Kamala Krithivasan) (ISBN-13: 978-0070681880)
- Tata Mcgraw-Hill Education
Course Plan
(Note: Topics within the modules might change)
- Module 1: Logic and Sets
- Logical formulas and sentences
- Basic logical operations, Quantifiers
- Operations on sets, Functions, Relations
- Countability, Mathematical induction
- Module 2: Counting
- Pigeonhole, Inclusion-Exclusion
- Binomial Coefficients, Bijections
- Linear recurrences, Geometric series
- Master Theorem, Generating Functions
- Module 3: Basic Graph Theory
- Representations, Connectivity, Cycles, Trees
- Spanning trees, Matchings, Eulerian and Hamiltonian paths
- Independent sets, Cliques, Colouring
- Dominating sets, Planar graphs, Directed graphs, Tournaments
- Module 4: Arithmetic Algorithms
- Addition, Multiplication, Computing GCD
- Primality, Integer Factoring, RSA
- Additional topics (if time permits)